Sunday 31 March 2013

Project 333 - the list

I've decided to join in with Project 333.

It seems that everyone has problems when they start this challenge. It's a bit like the railways which can't run because of "the wrong kind of snow on the line".

We have too many clothes (or in my case, not enough).
They are the wrong colour, the wrong style or they don't co-ordinate.
We are between seasons. This afternoon I was out in the garden clearing the vegetable patch and they was mud, sunshine AND snow on the ground.
There may be a vacation in the middle of the three month period.

So I am sure there will be a number of us "bending the rules".

I am no exception.

My job involves painting and getting really messy in clothing which I could not use for any other purpose. I've decided to tackle this by treating my working clothes as a kind of safety uniform provided by my employer (who is me). And to make it fair, I'm going to allocate three "units" out of my 33 as Work Wear. There are more than three actual items, but the nature of what I do means that they can't be washed with the main household laundry, and it's simply impractical to run a washing machine every day with a single T shirt in it. In reality we are talking about four tattered T shirts, a pair of jogging pants and a very elderly and paint spattered pair of Birkenstocks. These items can't be mixed and matched with others in the list. I may also use them for gardening and for decorating the house. I think trading them as three "units" is fair.

My list so far is;

3 work-units
2 T shirts
3 smarter tops
3 trousers (one pair will be cropped to shorts when it gets warmer).
2 skirts
1 dress
1 cardigan
1 scarf
1 pair earrings
1 pair sunglasses
1 pair sandals
1 pair brown leather shoes
1 pair red leather shoes
1 thin waterproof outer jacket
1 fleece jacket
1 fleece waistcoat
1 travel (many pocketed) waistcoat
1 bag (this will be replaced next week as I've ordered a new one)

That makes 26 items, so I have bit of wiggle room.

I also have a combination of wellington boots/walking boots/old woollen sweater (with holes), necessary for digging the garden and doing outdoor work. Do these count as sports gear? I don't run or go to a gym. The garden will be my gym.
In the same way I have a bicycle helmet and cycling gloves. Do these count as sports kit? I'm not going to be wearing either on a trip to the supermarket.

When I look at the lists of other people I wonder what they wear to get mucky in the garden, to paint the kitchen, to oil the chain on a bicycle?

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